By: Julie Mayo
Having come on board as a teacher and administrative assistant at TAPA this past October, this was my first experience with Summer Camp. I had heard the buzz that it was “a great time,” but it was more than I bargained for in the fun and inspiration departments.
In addition to camp creating a wonderful sense of community and camaraderie it was a chance to meet students/campers I’d not yet met, as well as get to know some students I do know in deeper, more diverse ways. For example, I have known Max to be an amazing artist and to have a great deal of vim and vigor when it comes to dance movement, but what I didn’t know is that he is a regular yoga practitioner and can execute a mean Warrior II pose. I got to experience Amanda’s enthusiasm for dance, yoga and music, having also known her mostly as an avid and talented visual artist. Each day of camp is full of many opportunities for campers, volunteers and faculty alike to get their feet wet with movement, art and music, not the least of which is drumming and dancing with Sidiki and Ibrahima. Each afternoon the building pulsed with the uplifting, energizing and healing rhythms they would teach us, with our drumsticks and our bodies. Seeing Scott play the drums was as moving as anything in my recent memory—the pure joy, confidence and engagement he exuded was profound. And experiencing Ethan’s smiles and sounds in dance class sublime! Now that I’m a TAPA summer camp veteran (with one week under my belt) I look forward to diving into Week 2 to see what Sounds of Summer (our 2015 camp theme) has in store for us all: the wonderful community of campers, teachers, and our exceptional volunteers and “buddies.”