Mariel is on Theresa Academy of Performing Art’s summer faculty. You’ve seen her around the building assisting teachers and working as an energetic and friendly 1-to-1. Her passion for arts and dance is only second to the kindness and generosity she shares with her students. She is a treasure to have at TAPA!

In her words…
I am a special education teacher by training. I have previous working experience working a special education with students moderate to severe disabilities. Last summer, Suan described what TAPA Camp was. I was hooked. I work at TAPA because TAPA gives opportunities for students with special needs to enjoy amazing art, dance and music classes and gives parents much needed moments to get what they need. TAPA is a special place. One of my favorite moments was working with student that I worked with last summer. He comes alive in drumming class. He walks into class, grabs a plastic drum, and starts beating right along with Sidiki.